Not a Decision Between Guns, and Butter - Rather, Feds Use Guns to take the Butter
As a constitutional libertarian, few things are as annoying as the Federal Government interfering in consensual transactions between consenting adults. I know...anytime a sentence includes, "between consenting adults" the natural inclination is to believe that the discussion deals with SEX, or some other deviant topic. Imagine for a moment that this "transaction between consenting adults" isn't sex, for money, or any consideration at all. Instead, this transaction is for milk - specifically the sale of raw (unpasteurized) milk from an Amish farmer trying to make his way in the modern commercial world, to wealthy families living in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. This, friends, is the world (country) in which you live.
In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), appears to lack sufficient tasks to complete that they decide to spend time raiding Amish farmers, and in constructing straw purchases to back their desire to shut down consensual commerce. Problematically, given the state of the law and law enforcement, I can't make a strong argument that the farmer's actions weren't illegal. All I can say is that they shouldn't be. The crux of the problem for Mr. Daniel Allgyer, (Amish Farmer) is that, in order to maximize his business endeavor he decided to sell his wares (raw milk) across state lines. You see, when you run a farm in Kinzers, Pennsylvania, you may only have a local population of 2,800 people. Simultaneously, you are only 100 miles from Washington, D.C., and its whole organic-crazed populace.
It isn't the production, and sale of raw milk that ensnared Mr. Allgyer. It was the law (Commerce Clause of the Constitution), and more perniciously the interpretation that has been attached to the law that has done him in. At this point in our nation's history, it should be surprising to noone that the Feds decided to take down this operation. Only collective recognition of the problems we face from our Government, combined with a will to thoughtfully engage in thorough debate, can change our course.
Please see the Washington Times article linked below for additional information.
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